Life Massage provides complementary therapy services in Clinics in London, a Home visit service and a Companies and events onsite service. Lorena Mondonico is the founder, director and main therapist.

Lorena Mondonico, MIFPA RQA, and all therapists by her provided (under Life Massage or as an individual) are fully qualified to high standards and belong to a recognised association or federation that guarantees the adherence to a professional code of conduct and continuous professional development.

All information shared with our therapists is stored in adherence with the Data Protection Act 1998 and therefore subject to the highest confidentiality.


Click here if you are interested in booking a treatment in one of our clinics and would like more information on what we offer and where we are.More information
Click here if you feel you deserve to fully relax and want one of our therapists to come to your house.More information
Click here if you would like Life Massage to be onsite in your company or at one of your events.
We can transform your work place in a stress free environment, promote clear thinking and enhance concentration. Any event is enhanced by our presence and our uplifting, de stressing treatments.More information